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How to use the ReviewXpo app blocks on the product page?

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ReviewXpo app blocks allow you to display your product rating and reviews publicly on your product page.

It has a fairly simple configuration and the process only works for the users who are currently using Shopify version 2. So, here are the simple steps you need to follow.

Step 01: Go to your Shopify Themes menu.

Step 02: Click the "Customize" menu.

"How to use the ReviewXpo app blocks on the product page?_Screenshot 1"

Step 03: Select any product from the theme editor.

Step 04: Click on 'Add Block' to add ReviewXpo Reviews.

"How to use the ReviewXpo app blocks on the product page?_Screenshot 2"

You can always reorder, remove and multiple blocks.

Feel free to contact our Support team at support@reviewxpo.com if you are still unable to see the reviews widget.