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How to Customize and Set up 5 Star Rating Badge

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5-star rating badges help you showcase the total number of products that have 5-star rating reviews  Here’s how you can customize and set up the 5-star rating badge.

So let’s get started:
First, from the ReviewXpo Dashboard menu bar,
(1) Open the “Badges” drop-down.
(2) Click on “5 star Ratings”.

You will see a customization panel on the left (1) where you can design the badge to your preference and, a preview panel on the right (2) which will showcase how the the design will look like

Under the “Layout” drop-down of the General section, you can set which side the rating number will be displayed. It can be set horizontally or vertically on top, left, or right.

You can set the alignment of the badge widget to the top, left, or right using the “Alignment” feature.

You can set the radius of the badge using “Card Radius”

You can choose to show or hide the outline of the badge.

In the “Color Choose” (1) section: On the “color scheme”(2) section, you can set if you want the theme of the badge widget to be Dark, Light, or Design it to your preference by setting it “custom”.

After Setting the theme to “Custom” :

(1) You can customize the background color of the badge widget.

(2) Outline color of the badge widget if you want.

(3) Primary Text color of the badge widget.

(4) Secondary Text color of the badge widget.

(5) Rating Icon color of the badge widget.

(6) Accent Color of the badge widget.

In the “Rating Types” section:

You can set the types of rating stars(i.e. Star Rating, Happy Face, Emoji Rating) you want to display on the badge widget by selecting the drop-down menu bar.

After you are done customizing, click on “Save”

Now let’s show you how you can add the 5-Star Rating Badge to your store. Go to the “Online Store” section on your Shopify store.

Select the “Customize” option on your current theme

Select  “Add Block” (1) of the section and select “ReviewXpo 5-Star Badge”.

Set the badge where you want to and click “Save”.

The 5-Star Rating Badge can now be seen in your Shopify store.

Hope this article was helpful, And if you have any queries, Feel free to reach us via livechat.